Thursday, July 16, 2015

Reading response week 2

To be honest, the way that ‘Understanding Rhetoric’ was written and visually viewed, was really not comfortable for me to read. It is much easier for me to just read in regular textbook style but this was just very confusing to me, by that I also wasn’t very able to understand much about what it was exactly about that they were saying in those 2 chapters, but I guess I’ll just give a quick summary over what I think I have understood.   

What was pretty interesting to me is to see that writing is about so much more things than I thought. People have really set their minds into writing and figured out so many ways and beliefs about what writing is, the rules, concepts, etc etc. So I figured out that it really is something to kind of appreciate and not just think about it as something that is totally basic. Also I’ve been trying to understand the part in where they are explaining what Rhetoric is, but I guess so far I still haven’t really been able to make my mind up about what it is haha.  Anyways I think it could be an interesting book to read, but I just need to figure out a way how best to read and understand this.  

Now ‘Everything’s an argument’, was a lot more interesting to me also because of the better writing and visual style. Also with this, I understood that an argument is actually something really big and has so many meanings, also when they said that even by just wearing a t-shirt with some kind of quote, or for example eating some specific food, you’re already starting an argument. Now I think that when you say argument it mostly is being viewed as a kind of negative and harsh thing, but after reading this I got to know that it’s not. So I really liked reading it and am interested in what more interesting information and topics this book will provide me with. 

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