Tuesday, July 14, 2015

About me

Hi Everyone!

Finally I've figured out how everything kind of works (Thank you Mr. De Piero for the clear instructions!). Now let me tell you some more about myself.

My name is Angelica Askamp, born April 30 1994, which makes me 21 years old.
I am from The Netherlands, but I was originally born in Madrid, Spain, therefore I am half spanish and half dutch. I have been living in Santa Barbara now for about half a year, I started off taking a semester at SBCC, but then figured out that I could get my bachelors degree here at Antioch University in only a year because of the many credits that I had already earned due to my previous educations. This was an amazing opportunity for me, and now here I am, writing my first blog for my AUSB academic writing class.

I am majoring in Applied Psychology, I have always find it very interesting to figure out why people are the way they are, why they think and act in certain ways, etc. Also basically all my life I have been lets say the ''go to person'' for a lot of people in my life, and have always had to deal with people their personal lifes, problems, stories, and helped them and tried to find a solution with them for it. So I think that is also a big part of where my interests for psychology has come from, and so far I've been pretty good at it so hopefully I will be able to develop that even more. Then after my bachelors degree, I am actually planning on to get a masters degree in Criminology. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but something about it just really gets me. I have also been watching a lot of criminal minds lately and after watching that I have even created a bigger interest in the criminal justice world, and so far I know it is a very broad field with a lot of great career opportunities so I guess I'll just see how that works out.

I would consider myself an outgoing, funny, caring, crazy(in a good way), easygoing, chill and ambitious person, but also  very very stubborn and hardheaded, I am a Taurus so that would most probably explain why. In my freetime I love to do fun things with my friends, go to the beach, cinema, party, eat, shopping, travel,  and a lot more. But at the same time I also just love to sometimes be really lazy at home, watch netflix all day and stuff myself with very yummy unhealthy foods. :)

There is a lot more that I can say, and trust me, when I start writing I could write for hours, so I will just keep it to this. Hopefully this will somewhat give an idea of who I am, but I'm sure you will all get to know me, and I will get to know you much better during these upcoming couple of weeks in class.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story,


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